Visit Our Store
Surplus City is a military disposal and camping store located in the heart of Parramatta, Sydney. Only a short walk from Westfields and Eat Street on Church Street. Opened in 1988 by Eric and Nick we are one of the oldest businesses in Parramatta. The staff here have a combined knowledge of the business of over 80 years.
Selling everything from military clothing and equipment to workwear, travel essentials, backpacks for all occasions in different sizes and styles, duffel bags, sleeping bags, self-inflating mattresses, swags, hats, wet weather clothing, police and security wear, LED torches, head-lights, hunting knives, camping knives, multi-tools, swiss army knives, machetes and bayonets. These are only a small portion of the amount of stock in store, after being in the same location for so long you tend to build up a trove of stock to explore through!
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